Women who are interested in religious life — even if they’re just curious — had a chance to visit religious orders in our community during a “Nun Run” held April 6, 2019. The experience took them to local convents and homes where women religious live and work. It’s designed to give them a quick look at local communities — and religious life in general — without making a commitment. Each of the communities taking part in the Nun Run got to explain what their charisms are, what their formation processes are, all those pieces. The beauty of something like this is it’s low pressure. Generally, the ladies who are interested in joining a religious community want to talk, but they are not ready to make a commitment. The schedule was fast-paced and the experience doesn’t allow much time for discernment. A Nun Run is not designed to be a contemplative retreat. It is not a time to be introspective. It is a chance to see a lot in a little bit of time. The time for introspection is after the Nun Run. We pray for these beautiful young ladies as they continue their journey and continue their discernment of where God is calling them.